Life goes on…

IMG_0236It’s been a while since my last post. Sorry for that! I wished that in this first post after the World Cup, I would be sharing with you guys how I experienced  the last days of the World Cup and all the usual things I like to write and share photos about, but some sad events just happened around here. Last Wednesday,  after 10 days in Hospital, my 87-year-old Daddy passed away.

It is still very difficult to write about it without having tears in my eyes. Although I was already trying to get prepared for this, as he was getting older and weaker, losing someone you love is one of the most difficult things in life. Specially when this one is your parent and has taught you almost everything you know.

“It doesn’t matter what happens, always do the right thing!” That’s one of the most important things I learned from him. But he also taught me to be generous, to ride a bike, and later to ride a car, to enjoy classical music and samba, and to enjoy football.

Since his funeral I’ve been having random memories about him. Memories of him teaching me to ride a bike, taking me to school when I was a kid,  teaching me to ride a car, and how severe he was with me on that issue. That was how he was!  Another memories of when he motivated me to learn a musical instrument ( which I unfortunately gave up later) and when he taught me to use his camera to shoot my first photos.

I wished he was still here to hug me the way he did on my wedding day, but now all I can do is thank God for having this wonderful man as a father and wish and pray for him to rest in peace!

I still have a very special mother who dedicated her life to my father and that will need all my support to help her go through all of this. Little by little, day by day, we will learn to live our lives without him. But he will live Forever in our hearts and our memories. As people say life goes on.


  1. Cristina – we are so very sorry to read about your loss! After connecting with you in cyberspace, we feel like we are friends so this brings us great sadness to read! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sending you lots of virtual hugs when you need it xoxox

  2. Cristina, this post brought tears to my eyes! It is such a cute photo and he looked so happy there! I am also thinking about all the wonderful moments we had with papai which makes me missing him more. I know life will go on and time will help and teach us to life without him. I am paying for him and for God gives us strength. Love u! Xoxo

  3. I want it to said so sorry for you loss . I know no words can comfort you and your family right now. Be strong and God bless you all. Take care.

    Sent from my iPhone


  4. Não tenho dúvidas de que seu pai é uma pessoa maravilhosa… Por conhecer você, que foi criada por ele… As lágrimas aos olhos virão sempre ao lembrar dele e falar dele. Acontece comigo até hoje sobre as perdas queridas que já tive há anos… A saudade é eterna. Só a tristeza se ameniza com o tempo. bj, TH

  5. E que foto linda você escolheu para este post! Um dia tão feliz… do seu casamento, que eu, ainda bem, pude compartilhar!

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